Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Have you ever tried google "Easter" on web? You'll find lots of eggs, bunnies or little chickens, but the real reason why whole world celebrates Easter is hard to google.
In the Bible you can find story about Moses leading Israelis from slavery in Egypt into Promised land - Israel. You can read more in book Exodus in the Bible.  There's also story of a lamb and Jesus is sometimes called Lamb of God. Israelis celebrated Passover every year to remember this event. About 2000 years ago, during the Passover Jesus came to celebrate Passover in Jerusalem. He was betrayed and died on the cross for my and your sins. After 3 days Jesus conqered the grave, He is alive and He want to have relationship with us. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Opiná and Rankovce

This past weekend me and Katka had opportunity to serve in 2 youth groups - Opiná and Rankovce. You don't know where is it? Well it's hard to descire so rather google it :)
 Despite the terible snowy roads on Friday we managed to get there and i was surprised how many youth came in such a weather. After games and worship we talked about endurance in faith based on Bible verse 2.Tim 4,7. I saw many excited young people, who lived their lives with Jesus, but after some time they got burn out and left this way. So we talked about our obstacles and how to overcome them.

On Saturday Katka used jurnalistic approach when talking about castigation at Rankovce youth group. Who? Where? How? Why?.... we followed answers to these question in Bible. The main verse you can find in Mathew 18, 15-17. When we warn someone it must be with love.